Thursday, 31 March 2016

Medical News Today: Daily serving of pulses may aid long-term weight loss

Want to lose weight and keep it off? A new study suggests eating 130 g of dried beans, dried peas, chickpeas or lentils every day could help.

Medical News Today: Daily serving of pulses may aid long-term weight loss

Want to lose weight and keep it off? A new study suggests eating 130 g of dried beans, dried peas, chickpeas or lentils every day could help.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Medical News Today: Couples' caffeine intake before pregnancy may affect miscarriage risk

Couples who consume more than two caffeinated drinks daily in the weeks leading up to conception may be at greater risk of miscarriage than those who drink less caffeine.

Medical News Today: Couples' caffeine intake before pregnancy may affect miscarriage risk

Couples who consume more than two caffeinated drinks daily in the weeks leading up to conception may be at greater risk of miscarriage than those who drink less caffeine.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Medical News Today: Early fetal abnormalities may correct themselves in time

Testing for embryonic chromosomal abnormalities can be a traumatic experience, but tests on mice now suggest that even if there are abnormalities, the cells can fix themselves.

Medical News Today: Early fetal abnormalities may correct themselves in time

Testing for embryonic chromosomal abnormalities can be a traumatic experience, but tests on mice now suggest that even if there are abnormalities, the cells can fix themselves.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Medical News Today: All-out sprints may do more harm than good

Intense exercise training may help you boost your cardiovascular health and lose calories, but starting from scratch can lead to a buildup of unhealthy levels of free radicals.

Medical News Today: All-out sprints may do more harm than good

Intense exercise training may help you boost your cardiovascular health and lose calories, but starting from scratch can lead to a buildup of unhealthy levels of free radicals.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Medical News Today: Digital mammography can help predict heart disease

Digital mammography can detect calcium in the breast arteries that seems to correlate with calcium in the coronary arteries, suggesting a role in detecting heart disease.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Medical News Today: Fruit juices and smoothies have 'unacceptably high' sugar content

Fruit juices and smoothies may contain more sugar than you expect. New research reveals that one juice may contain a child's recommended sugar intake for a whole day.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Chinese traditional medicines: do you know what you are buying?

Chinese medicines are manufactured and distributed all over the world. Many people perceive them as natural, even benign and with few side effects, but regulation of human medicines fluctuates...

Medical News Today: Serious heart attacks affecting younger people

The age at which people have a serious heart attack fell over 2 decades, from 64 to 60; rates of all risk factors increased, despite growing awareness of cardiovascular risks.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Medical News Today: What is the gut microbiota? What is the human microbiome?

The microbiota and microbiome of the human body have been researched intensively in recent years. Find out about what we now know about them and what they mean for our health.

Medical News Today: Exercise in older age may protect memory and thinking skills

Moderate or intense exercise in older age could slow brain aging by 10 years, a new study suggests, providing further evidence of the brain benefits of physical activity.

Medical News Today: Wound healing could be enhanced with modified maggots

Maggots are already used to help heal stubborn wounds; they remove dead tissue and fight microbes. Now, researchers have modified them to produce growth factors to enhance healing.

Medical News Today: Daytime sleepiness could predict metabolic disease

People who nap for over 40 minutes a day or feel excessively tired are far more likely to have cardiovascular problems or diabetes, but short naps appear to be good for the health.

Medical News Today: Prolonged sitting responsible for more than 430,000 deaths

Sitting for more than 3 hours a day accounts for around 3.8% of all-cause deaths over 54 countries, according to the result of a new study.

Medical News Today: 'Tough guys' less likely to be honest with doctor

New research suggests 'masculine' men are less likely to visit the doctor, and women with 'masculine contingencies of self-worth' are also less likely to seek medical help.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Medical News Today: People with 'rage' disorder twice as likely to have toxoplasmosis

People with intermittent explosive disorder are more than twice as likely to have toxoplasmosis, an infection passed on through cat feces, undercooked meat or contaminated water.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Medical News Today: Eye microbiome of contact lens wearers resembles that of skin

The microbiome of the eyes of people who wear contact lenses is different from that of non-lens wearers, and it is more like their skin, says a new study.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Integrative medicine a cover for dubious therapies

Integrative medicine is little more than an "ill-conceived concept" formalising the promotion and use of unproven or disproven therapies, and is therefore in conflict with evidence-based medicine...

Medical News Today: Rosacea linked to increased Parkinson's risk

People who have rosacea are more likely to develop Parkinson's disease, but the risk of Parkinson's may be lower among those who use tetracyclines.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Medical News Today: Crunch effect: how the sounds of eating curb the appetite

A new study suggests that if we can hear the sound of our own mastication, we will probably eat less. Researchers say the findings could help reduce the risk of obesity.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Medical News Today: High-fat diet may put future generations at risk of disease

Eating a high-fat diet may put your children at risk of diabetes and obesity, says a study that indicates the tendency may be passed on through epigenetic mechanisms.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Medical News Today: Stem cell injection reverses osteoporosis in mice

Mice with osteoporosis experienced new bone growth 6 months after an injection of stem cells, offering hope that this chronic disease may one day be reversible.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Medical News Today: 'Lost' memories retrieved in mice with early Alzheimer's

Scientists have used optogenetics to retrieve the memories of mice with early Alzheimer's symptoms, suggesting it may be possible to restore memories in humans with the condition.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Meditation: could it replace opioids for pain relief?

A new study is the first to demonstrate that mindfulness-related pain relief is distinct from placebo pain relief, putting meditation squarely in the center of the opioid epidemic.

Medical News Today: Anxiety may lead to bad decision-making

Anxiety may interfere with a specific set of neurons in the prefrontal cortex of the brain that are responsible for choice, causing us to make bad decisions, a new study suggests.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Medical News Today: 'Bionic heart patch' could offer heart transplant alternative

Scientists from Tel Aviv University in Israel have created a 'bionic heart patch' that could enable real-time delivery of tissue regeneration drugs for heart failure patients.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Medical News Today: New tracer improves the tracking of cells during MRI

Sensitive new technology that effectively tracks stem and immune cells in MRI is expected to enhance the progress of research and development of therapies.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Yoga improves quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation

Yoga improves quality of life in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, according to research published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.

Medical News Today: Keep moving to halve the risk of Alzheimer's

Put on your dancing shoes. Any kind of exercise appears to boost brain volume and decrease the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease, says a new study.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Medical News Today: Children reap the benefits of video games

Contrary to popular fears, video games appear to promote mental health and cognitive and social skills in young children, says a new report.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Medical News Today: Cancer breakthrough? Drug combo eradicated breast cancer tumors in 11 days

A cancer drug duo eliminated tumors for some women with HER2-positive breast cancer in only 11 days, while others saw a significant reduction in tumor size, new research reveals.

Medical News Today: Could a probiotic pill prevent dental cavities?

Researchers have pinpointed a 'good bacterium' that reduces acidity and fights 'bad bacteria' in the mouth, potentially paving the way for a probiotic remedy to prevent caries.

Medical News Today: Younger siblings: are they better for older child's health?

They do more than wreak havoc on the older sibling's life; a new study suggests the birth of a younger sibling lowers the chances of the older child becoming obese.

Medical News Today: Multi-gene test identifies early breast cancer that may be spared chemo

A multi-gene test that identifies early breast cancer patients who can be treated with anti-hormonal therapy alone and no chemotherapy has shown successful results in a trial.

Medical News Today: New method finds 57 pesticides in poisoned honey bees

Honey bees are under threat globally; some suggest pesticides are involved. Now, a new method that detects 200 pesticides at a time promises to clarify the problem.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Medical News Today: Uterus transplantation: first procedure in US fails due to complications

A 26-year-old woman who was the first in the US to undergo a uterus transplant has had the donated organ removed due to a sudden complication, the Cleveland Clinic said yesterday.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Medical News Today: Chemical exposure decreases with change of cosmetics

By switching to cosmetic products without endocrine-disrupting chemicals, teenage girls had lower urinary concentrations of the chemicals in a new study.

Study findings do not support use of vitamin D to reduce pain, cartilage loss from knee osteoarthritis

Vitamin D supplementation for individuals with knee osteoarthritis and low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels did not reduce knee pain or slow cartilage loss, according to a study appearing in the March 8...

Monday, 7 March 2016

Medical News Today: Could low vitamin D in pregnancy mean a risk of MS in offspring?

Multiple sclerosis has been linked with low vitamin D intake; a new study adds evidence that low vitamin D during pregnancy could raise the risk of MS in later life.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Medical News Today: Drinking more water reduces sugar, sodium and saturated fat intake

A new study investigating how increasing water intake can affect health finds that it reduces energy intake and lowers intakes of sugar, sodium and saturated fat.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Medical News Today: Monkeys use their brains to drive wheelchairs

A revolutionary technique has enabled primates to move wheelchairs toward a bowl of grapes by sheer brainpower, offering hope for people with severe paralysis to achieve mobility.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Medical News Today: Could Zika's link to microcephaly be in the neural stem cells?

Researchers looking for a link between Zika virus and microcephaly have found that the virus rapidly infects the neural stem cells that are responsible for the cerebral cortex.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Medical News Today: Small, regular dose of aspirin keeps colorectal cancer at bay

A new study confirms that taking 0.5-1.5 regular aspirin tablets each week significantly decreases the risk of gastrointestinal and colorectal cancers.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Medical News Today: Chronic stress leads to brain inflammation and memory loss

Stress caused by an aggressive alpha intruder caused memory loss in mice that lasted up to 28 days, accompanied by signs of inflammation in the brain.