Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Medical News Today: 'Over 184,000 global deaths each year' caused by sugary drinks

Researchers estimate that consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks may lead to more than 184,000 deaths worldwide annually, with most of these deaths caused by diabetes.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Medical News Today: Cord milking best for infants delivered by C-section

Researchers have found that the technique of cord milking could be more beneficial to preterm infants deliver by Cesarean section than current recommendations.

Medical News Today: 'Fracture risk' from SSRI antidepressants used for menopause

According to a new study, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants may increase the risk of bone fractures when used to reduce symptoms of menopause.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Medical News Today: Lab-made blood to enter human trials in 2 years

Red blood cells grown in the lab from stem cells are likely to be transfused into human volunteers taking part in trials within 2 years, say the UK's NHS Blood and Transplant.

Medical News Today: New drug delivery system may open up treatments for polycystic kidney disease

A new method that allows antibodies to penetrate cyst walls may open the door for already approved drugs to target the growth factors that drive polycystic kidney disease.

Medical News Today: Cognitive behavioral therapy alters Tourette syndrome brains

Researchers have discovered that cognitive behavioral therapy used to reduce tics in people with Tourette syndrome also alters brain functioning in the supplementary motor region.

Medical News Today: Global AIDS efforts must improve or infections and deaths will increase

A new report states that unless efforts to stop new HIV infections and improve access to treatment improve over the next 5 years, deaths from AIDS and HIV infections will increase.

Medical News Today: Doctors in bitter divide over e-cigarettes

Public health doctors and clinicians are divided about whether e-cigarettes are a good development or not - and the involvement of big tobacco in vaping is fuelling the debate.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Medical News Today: High-res image of Ebola virus reveals how it evades the immune system

Scripps researchers have created a high-resolution image of the Ebola virus, which has revealed how a viral protein helps the virus escape attack from the immune system.

Medical News Today: High-fiber diet during pregnancy may protect offspring against asthma

A new study finds a high-fiber diet alters the gut bacteria of pregnant women, leading to the release of anti-inflammatory substances that protect offspring from developing asthma.

Medical News Today: Arthritis drug could be used to treat vitiligo

Researchers have discovered that tofacitinib, a drug normally used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, could restore pigmentation in people with vitiligo.

Medical News Today: Could the magnolia tree help combat head and neck cancers?

A compound found in the bark and leaves of the magnolia tree proved effective in reducing tumor growth in human cell lines and mouse models of head and neck cancers, a study finds.

Medical News Today: Scientists use 'arousometer' to measure what turns off women most

Being shown images of something disgusting reduced genital blood flow in women - as measured by an 'arousometer' - more than being shown something frightening.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Medical News Today: Fast, accurate Ebola test shows promise in trials

Current Ebola blood tests are slow, complex and put health care workers at risk. A new test, however, can diagnose Ebola accurately from one drop of blood at a patient's bedside.

Medical News Today: Fasting: what are the health benefits and risks?

Fasting diets have become one of the most popular health trends in recent years. But can abstaining from food really be good for us? We investigate.

Medical News Today: Eat protein before carbohydrates to lower post-meal glucose

A small pilot study suggests that the order in which we consume different food groups as part of a meal affects glucose and insulin levels.

Medical News Today: Older adults who might benefit from pet ownership often face barriers

A review of the literature on pet ownership by older adults discusses the health benefits, the challenges and opportunities, and what might be done to promote it.

Medical News Today: Blood test for early stage pancreatic cancer looks promising

A new study suggests one day doctors may be able to use a blood test to detect pancreatic cancer in its early stages, while it is still possible to remove the tumor.

Medical News Today: What is a mammogram? When should I get a mammogram?

A mammogram is an X-ray image of your breast used to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms can also be used in those who have breast symptoms, such as lumps, breast pain or changes.

Medical News Today: Doctors in bitter divide about e-cigarettes

Public health doctors and clinicians are divided about whether e-cigarettes are a good development or not - and the involvement of big tobacco in vaping is fuelling the debate.

Medical News Today: Almost half of Hispanics unaware they have high cholesterol, study finds

Almost 50% of Hispanics do not know they have high cholesterol levels, and less than a third of those who are aware receive cholesterol-lowering treatment, new research reveals.

Medical News Today: Women with a history of stillbirth 'up to four times higher risk of recurrence'

Women who have a history of stillbirth are up to four times more likely to experience stillbirth in a future pregnancy, according to new research published in The BMJ.

Medical News Today: 'Lack of evidence' to support benefits of medical marijuana

A meta-analysis assessing the effects of cannabinoids in treating certain medical conditions finds there is limited high-quality evidence supporting the drug's effectiveness.

Medical News Today: Blood pressure medication could prevent alcohol, drug addiction

A study of the effect of isradipine in addicted rats suggests the drug reverses brain rewiring that underlies memories of addiction-associated places.

Medical News Today: Viagra linked with higher risk of skin cancer

Skin cancer had a higher incidence among men taking PDE5 inhibitors but the link may not be causal. Instead, it may be linked to other factors.

Medical News Today: Diaphragm birth control: how safe and effective is it?

The diaphragm is a barrier method of birth control. It fits inside your vagina and covers your cervix. Find out how the diaphragm works and how effective it is.

Medical News Today: Defibrillators 'grossly underused' in older heart attack patients

A new study has found that less than 1 in 10 eligible older heart attack patients receive implanted defibrillators that significantly improve post-heart attack survival.

Medical News Today: DIabetes: 'smart insulin patch' could revolutionize glucose control

Diabetics could one day be using smart skin patches with tiny, painless needles that detect changes in blood sugar and give appropriate insulin doses instead of insulin injections.

Medical News Today: Could a gut microbe improve metabolic health and body fat distribution?

Researchers have identified a gut microbe - called Akkermansia muciniphila - associated with better metabolic health and leanness among overweight or obese individuals.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Medical News Today: Too hot to handle: how to avoid heat-related illness

In this Spotlight feature, we take a look at how heat-related illnesses are caused and what measures can be taken to prevent them from occurring.

Medical News Today: Road traffic noise linked to greater death, stroke risk

Living in areas where road traffic noise reaches above 60 decibels may raise the risk of stroke and all-cause mortality, according to a new study of 8.6 million UK residents.

Medical News Today: First modern humans in Europe 'interbred with local Neanderthals'

DNA analysis of a 40,000-year-old early modern human jawbone found in Romania suggests early Europeans and not just Middle Easterners interbred with Neanderthals.

Medical News Today: Experts call for dropping of total fat intake limits

Researchers recommend that restrictions on total fat consumption should be removed from the forthcoming 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Medical News Today: Guinea: up to 62% of malaria cases 'overlooked during Ebola epidemic'

A new report in The Lancet suggests that confusion over Ebola and malaria symptoms led to 74,000 fewer malaria cases than expected being treated in Guinea during the Ebola crisis.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Is yogurt good for you?

Yogurt is a simple pleasure packed with nutrients, good bacteria, and is a great way to boost protein levels. However, do all yogurts prove to be a healthy choice? MNT finds out.

Medical News Today: Climate change is a 'medical emergency,' report suggests

A commission reports that climate change is inextricably linked with public health, and that tackling climate change presents an opportunity to improve public health worldwide.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Medical News Today: Global warming 'unlikely to reduce winter mortality'

While many studies have suggested global warming may reduce cold-related death rates in winter months, new research claims this is unlikely to be the case.

Medical News Today: Smartphones 'can interfere with implanted cardiac devices'

Researchers have found that electromagnetic interference from smartphones can - albeit infrequently - interfere with the functioning of pacemakers and ICDs.

Medical News Today: 'Test driving' pacemakers may allow patients to make more informed decisions

Doctors from the University of Iowa have pioneered a procedure that allows patients to try out pacemakers before deciding whether to have them permanently installed.

Medical News Today: FDA approve device that helps blind 'see with tongue'

The US regulator gives the go-ahead for a device that helps people who are blind perceive visual images captured by a sunglasses-mounted camera using their tongue.

Medical News Today: Precancerous cervical lesions 'reduced by HPV vaccine'

A CDC-led study finds rates of high-grade cervical lesions among young American women fell significantly in 2008-12, which may be partly down to the HPV vaccine introduced in 2006.

Medical News Today: 'Fasting-mimicking diet' may promote health and longevity

Researchers have created a fasting-mimicking diet that they found increased lifespan and healthspan of mice and reduced risk factors linked to cancer, CVD and diabetes in humans.

Medical News Today: 'Silent transmission' of polio stands in the way of its eradication

Following an analysis of historical polio epidemic data, researchers have found polio transmission can continue long after new cases of the virus have stopped being reported.

Medical News Today: Parkinson's 'a risk factor for most cancers in Taiwan'

A new study has found a link between Parkinson's disease in Taiwanese patients and increased risk of 16 different cancer types, including colorectal, kidney, prostate cancers.

Medical News Today: Doctors cause copper deficiency by 'misdiagnosing a need for zinc'

Doctors mistakenly diagnosing a deficiency of zinc are prescribing enough supplement to lead to zinc-induced copper deficiency, an audit of patient care suggests.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Medical News Today: Health improves when teens exercise like young kids, research shows

When exercise is taken in short bouts over the day, high intensity is better than moderate intensity at improving markers of health in teenagers, study finds.

Medical News Today: Certain multiple myeloma patients likely to benefit most from panobinostat combination

A new clinical trial indicates panobinostat combined with bortezomib and dexamethasone shows promise in treating patients with relapsed or relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma.

Medical News Today: Tens of thousands of Californians give up their genetic secrets

Dozens of diseases can be better understood, including age-related ones, after researchers analyze the genetics of some 110,266 older Californians.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Medical News Today: Diet that mimics fasting may promote longevity and improve healthspan

Researchers have created a fasting-mimicking diet that they found increased lifespan and healthspan of mice and reduced risk factors linked to cancer, CVD and diabetes in humans.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

What are the health benefits of barley?

Find out about the potential health benefits of consuming barley including maintaining blood pressure, bone structure and strength, decreasing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Medical News Today: Scripps team lays 'spectacular' foundations for HIV vaccine

Researchers at The Scripps Institute report preliminary success in designing a component for a potential HIV vaccine based on immunogens, rather than a deactivated virus.

Medical News Today: Panic disorder linked to increased risk of heart attack, heart disease

People who have panic attacks may be up to 36% more likely to suffer heart attack and up to 47% more likely to develop heart disease later in a life, a new study finds.

Medical News Today: Scientists use zebrafish to further understanding of short bowel syndrome

Researchers have developed a model of short bowel syndrome in zebrafish to further understand the process of adaptation that occurs in patients with the condition.

Medical News Today: Potential type 2 diabetes drug found with new screening tool

A new tool that monitors a critical function inside live cells that is believed to be the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes has identified a potential drug to target the disease.

Medical News Today: Thailand reports first MERS case

Thai health officials have announced the country's first case of Middle East respiratory syndrome. Tests confirm a 75-year-old man recently arrived from the Middle East has MERS.

Medical News Today: Colorectal cancer cells reverted to normal functioning cells in lab

Work on mice has succeeded in regressing colorectal cancer tumors and resulted in relapse that persisted for 6 months, raising prospects for the disease currently without a cure.

Medical News Today: Sedentary behavior 'could increase the risk of anxiety'

Researchers suggest that sedentary behavior, and in particular, sitting down, could be associated with an increased risk of anxiety.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Medical News Today: What are the health benefits of barley?

Find out about the potential health benefits of consuming barley including maintaining blood pressure, bone structure and strength, decreasing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Medical News Today: Developed sense of justice evident 'in children as young as 3'

A study using 'thief' and 'victim' puppets has found that children as young as 3 years old have a surprising sense of justice and level of empathy for others.

Medical News Today: Accidental pregnancies 'dramatically reduced' by IUD and implant counseling

About 50% of all pregnancies in the US are unintended. A new study finds this rate could be reduced by increasing health care training on long-acting reversible contraceptives.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Talking therapy shows promise for people with chronic low back pain

New research from Royal Holloway, University of London has found that a new form of talking therapy is a credible and promising treatment for people with chronic low back pain who are also...

Medical News Today: Prenatal DDT exposure linked to increased risk of breast cancer

Women born in 1959-67 who were exposed to higher levels of the pesticide DDT in utero may be at almost four times higher risk of breast cancer, a new study finds.

Acid-reducing medications sharply raise risk of C. diff. bacteria infection in kids

Researchers caution against overuse of these drugs in pediatric patientsInfants and children who are given prescription acid-reducing medications face a substantially higher risk of developing...

Medical News Today: Study of cholesterol in cells offers clues on infertility and early puberty

Cells use cholesterol to make the steroid hormones that trigger puberty and support pregnancy. Now, a new study of this may help find causes of infertility and early puberty.

Knowledge about alternative medicine connected to education, income

People with lower educational levels and incomes are less likely to know about yoga, acupuncture, natural products and chiropractic medicine, according to a new study from San Francisco State...

Medical News Today: Daily weigh-in helps keep the weight off

New research finds that stepping on the scales every day and tracking the results on a chart is an effective way of losing weight and keeping it off.

Medical News Today: Hyperlipidemia: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

Hyperlipidemia refers to increased levels of lipids in the blood, including cholesterol and triglycerides. Managing hyperlipidemia means controlling cholesterol and triglycerides.

Medical News Today: Trans fats may lead to poorer memory for young, middle-aged men

Higher consumption of trans fats - commonly found in processed foods - may worsen memory for men aged 45 and younger, finds new research from UCSD.

Medical News Today: Genetic changes identified that make HIV elusive to drugs

For the first time, researchers have identified two locations where slight differences in human immunodeficiency virus genetic code can change the way the virus infects cells.

Medical News Today: Alzheimer's risk may be predicted by blood protein

A study in twins has discovered a single blood protein that could indicate in advance the development of mild cognitive impairment, a disorder associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Medical News Today: Running a marathon: how to survive the historic endurance race

In this Spotlight, we have a look at what it takes to run a marathon, including training, nutrition and a brief history of these extreme endurance events.

Medical News Today: Teens 'more likely to engage in risky sex' if they have weak working memory

The link between cognitive ability and impulse control is explored in a new study that finds an association between weak working memory and increased levels of sexual impulsivity.

Medical News Today: Rates of breast-conserving therapy for early-stage breast cancer have increased, study finds

The use of breast-conserving therapy for women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer rose between 1998 and 2011, a study finds, though there are still barriers to the procedure.

Medical News Today: 'Placenta-on-a-chip' could offer new insight into pregnancy

Scientists have developed a prototype microdevice to mirror the inner workings of a human placenta, offering new insight into how it works.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Medical News Today: Medical marijuana legalization does not increase use in adolescents

Analyzing data from a nationwide survey, researchers find no evidence for medical marijuana legalization increasing the prevalence of marijuana use among adolescents.

UNMC study shows vitamin D protects bones in mice exposed to agricultural dust; may have implications for agricultural workers

You've probably heard it a thousand times - drink your milk. In the future, you may also hear - take your vitamin D.

Medical News Today: 'Cannibal disease' study reveals gene that produces CJD resistance

Researchers investigating kuru, a brain disease associated with cannibalism, have discovered a genetic mutation that provided mice with resistance to both the disease and CJD.

Medical News Today: 'Flesh-eating' bacteria: Florida's beaches are safe, say officials

State health officials announce that Florida's beaches are safe to enjoy responsibly and risk of infection by Vibrio vulnificus or so-called flesh eating bacteria is minimal.

Bread: is bread bad for you?

Some argue that industrial bread production means too many preservatives, additives, salt and sugar, making it unhealthy. However, is bread really bad for you? MNT finds out.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Medical News Today: Scientists find way to boost bone-forming cells, raising osteoporosis prospects

Lab work reveals a drug-induced way of promoting osteogenesis, raising the hope that a new treatment for the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis could be developed.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Medical News Today: Could daily aspirin prevent breast cancer?

A new study suggests taking 75 milligrams of aspirin daily could reduce the risk of breast cancer development and recurrence, after finding it halted tumor growth in mouse models.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Medical News Today: Sexual assault resistance program 'almost halves rape risk,' study finds

A Canadian-led study reveals that a sexual assault resistance education program reduced the risk of completed rape by 46% for first-year female university students.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Medical News Today: GI content of diet may influence autism symptoms

Researchers have discovered that diets with high and low glycemic index scores led to different symptoms of autism spectrum disorders in mice.

More women turning to CAM for menopause without medical guidance

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increasing for the treatment of menopausal symptoms but often without the guidance of a clinician.

Birth month may influence risk of 55 diseases

A study has run millions of medical records through computer calculations to discover that numerous diseases are associated with season or month of birth.

Medical News Today: Study finds genetic link between creativity and schizophrenia, bipolar

New research finds people with creative professions or hobbies - such as musicians and artists - are more likely to have genetic variants linked to schizophrenia and bipolar.

Medical News Today: Age gap between parents may influence autism risk

Children of teen moms, older parents and parents with a relatively large age gap have a higher risk of autism spectrum disorder, a new study suggests.

Medical News Today: 'Statins linked to acute memory loss - but are unlikely to cause it'

A link with statins to acute memory loss may have nothing to with the drugs themselves - but is 'more likely' to be due to better diagnosis in people going for the prescriptions.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Medical News Today: Can virtual reality help stroke patients recover arm movement?

Patients who have impaired arm movement due to stroke can benefit from virtual reality therapy, suggests a new study, after participants regained use of paretic limbs.

Medical News Today: Organ transplant medication could protect against Alzheimer's

Commonly used medication for organ transplant patients that also inhibits the enzyme calcineurin may be able to protect patients from Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Genomic testing can help identify patients at heightened risk for esophageal cancer

Endoscopic samples show precancerous genomic changes in Barrett's esophagus, according to report in the Journal of Molecular DiagnosticsBarrett's esophagus (BE) develops in a subset of patients...

Medical News Today: 'Stroke ages the brain 8 years overnight'

Research into black-white disparity on levels of cognitive decline instead finds a consequence common to both - that a stroke causes brain-power loss equivalent to aging 8 years.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Medical News Today: Study reveals how bacteria can avoid antibiotics

Researchers have found that high levels of gene called Obg can cause bacteria such as E. coli to avoid antibiotic treatment, putting the bacteria into a dormant state.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Medical News Today: Fecal matter found on more than 60% of toothbrushes in shared bathrooms

Researchers identified fecal matter on more than 60% of toothbrushes collected from students' communal bathrooms, most of which is likely to be from other bathroom occupants.

Medical News Today: World's first skull-scalp transplant performed in Texas man

Surgeons from the MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Houston Methodist Hospital, TX, have performed the world's first skull-scalp transplant in a 55-year-old man.

Medical News Today: Controversial female libido pill backed by FDA advisory committee

Following yesterday's Spotlight feature on flibanserin - 'the female Viagra' - we look at the surprise decision by an FDA advisory committee to recommend the drug for approval.

Medical News Today: Health benefits of eating placenta 'unproven'

A small review of studies on placenta consumption has failed to yield any evidence to support common beliefs about its healthful effects in new mothers.

Medical News Today: Huge AIDS improvements since the 80s - but infections 'remain a problem'

While far fewer people - thanks to HIV drug advances - suffer seriously shortened lives as a result of AIDS-related infections, the problem cannot be forgotten, say researchers.

Medical News Today: Parents of kids with ASD warned about dietary supplements

Parents should avoid excess intake of vitamins that their children with autism already get in the diet, say nutrition researchers, who also found inadequate calcium and vitamin D.

Medical News Today: Low birth weights associated with proximity to fracking sites

Researchers have found a 'small but significant association' between low birth weights and how close pregnant women live to unconventional gas drilling wells.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Medical News Today: How a single blood test could identify your entire viral infection history

Researchers from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have created a test that they say can identify a person's entire history of viral infections from one drop of blood.

Medical News Today: Illicit drug-taking in the workplace 'increasing'

Company that carries out millions of US workplace tests for drugs says the proportion of positives is on the rise, including for marijuana, cocaine and amphetamines.

Medical News Today: Mammography still best for breast cancer screening, experts find

An international group of experts reports that the benefits of mammography screening for women aged 50-69 outweigh adverse effects such as false-positive results.

Medical News Today: Will 'the female Viagra' really help women?

Later today, the FDA will vote - for the third time in 5 years - on whether to approve flibanserin, a drug touted as Viagra for women. However, concerns over its safety remain.

Medical News Today: Lung cancer blood test steps closer with new biomarker discovery

Researchers have discovered a blood biomarker that is 'highly effective' in distinguishing between people with and without nonsmall cell lung cancer.

Medical News Today: Alcohol use disorder affects '1 in 3 Americans' in their lifetime

Despite 1 in 3 Americans having a problem with drink, only 1 in 5 receive treatment, according to a study based on tens of thousands of face-to-face interviews.

Medical News Today: Delirium in critical care 'signals twice the risk of dying'

A study finds brain dysfunction leading to delirium is common in patients receiving intensive care, and that the disorder also doubles a patient's risk of death.

Medical News Today: High moral reasoning linked to increased gray matter volume in the brain

Individuals with high levels of moral reasoning have greater gray matter volume in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, a new study finds.

Medical News Today: 3D map of human brain stem could make deep brain stimulation safer

Researchers from Duke Medicine have created a high-resolution map of the human brain stem that they say could help guide surgeons during deep brain stimulation.

Medical News Today: First steps taken for regenerating whole limbs

Scientists have reported success in regenerating the forelimbs of rats from progenitor cells, paving the way for a similar technique to be attempted in humans.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Medical News Today: Frequently bullied kids 'twice as likely' to be depressed at 18

Being called nasty names, having things taken, getting excluded from the group - all these and other elements of bullying experienced at 13 years old were tied to depression at 18.

Medical News Today: 'No evidence' linking smoking cessation drug with suicide, road accidents

A new study states that there is no strong evidence to suggest that varenicline, a common smoking cessation drug, is associated with increased risks of adverse health outcomes.

Medical News Today: New strong evidence for neurological cause of schizophrenia

A study finds strong evidence that a number of disease-linked mutations that disrupt the delicate chemical balance of signaling in the brain help cause schizophrenia.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Medical News Today: Melanoma rates have doubled over the past 30 years, say CDC

Melanoma rates in the US doubled between 1982 and 2011, according to the CDC, who say they will continue to rise unless a comprehensive skin cancer prevention program is actioned.

Medical News Today: Men are 'more likely to cheat' if their wife is the main breadwinner

Both men and women are more likely to have extramarital affairs if they are financially dependent on their spouse, but men are three times more likely to stray, a study finds.

73% of insomniacs cured after 1-hour therapy session

A simple one-hour therapy session has helped to cure 73% of people suffering from acute insomnia, according to a new study from Northumbria University.

Medical News Today: Mining Ebola tweets yields valuable outbreak information

Researchers who analyzed tens of thousands of tweets sent during early stages of the current Ebola outbreak conclude Twitter mining can usefully inform public health education.

Medical News Today: Obesity may lead to type 2 diabetes via bacteria

Researchers reproduced type 2 diabetes in rabbits by continually exposing them to a superantigen released by a type of bacteria that typically increases in people who gain weight.

Medical News Today: Desk-based employees 'should work standing up'

A panel of experts have laid out a set of guidelines designed to combat the health risks that come with a sedentary working environment.

Medical News Today: 10 Most Common Birth Control Pill Side Effects

Around 12 million women take birth control pills in the US and respond to each pill formulation very differently - here is a list of the 10 most common side effects of 'the pill'.

Medical News Today: Could diabetes protect against ALS?

People with type 2 diabetes were less likely to have a subsequent diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Lou Gehrig’s disease - in a study of registries held in Denmark.

Medical News Today: Breastfeeding may protect against childhood leukemia

A new systematic review finds that children who were breastfed for 6 months or longer had a 19% lower risk of leukemia, compared with kids who were not breastfed.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Medical News Today: 'Taste for sugar' could be HIV's major weakness

Researchers have found that shutting the sugar pipeline in activated immune cells can help prevent the spread of HIV by stopping the virus from replicating.

Medical News Today: Studies revealing immunotherapy success represent 'new era' for cancer treatment

Two new studies show immunotherapy to be highly effective against melanoma and lung cancer, with experts claiming the treatment may replace chemotherapy in the next few years.

Vitamin D and calcium supplements do not improve menopausal symptoms

Women who took vitamin D and calcium supplements had the same number of menopausal symptoms as women who did not take the supplements, according to a study published today in Maturitas, the official...

Monday, 1 June 2015

Medical News Today: Risk of second breast cancer operation 'halved' when surgeons cut more

Risk of cancer cells around the edge of a removed tumor, and the need to go back for more surgery, were both reduced in a randomized controlled trial of breast surgical techniques.

Medical News Today: Use of certain painkillers linked with increased risk of homicide

Following speculation that use of certain drugs is common among people who commit massacres, a new study investigated prescription histories of 959 convicted murderers in Finland.

Medical News Today: Wastewater treatment may give rise to new antibiotics

Researchers studying doxycycline in wastewater find treatment with chlorine produces new forms of the widely-used antibiotic that could contribute to antibiotic resistance.

RTOG 0537 shows acupuncture-like ENS may provide relief for radiation-induced dry mouth

Phase III results evaluated ENS and current standard treatment, pilocarpinePhase III results of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0537 indicate that acupuncture-like, transcutaneous...

Medical News Today: Global cancer cases 'still rising' - now 15 million a year

The social impact in more developed countries of living with cancer is 'staggering,' and the focus on prevention, particularly for developing countries, needs to move to treatment.